Any safety concerns? We will have a Safer Spaces Care Team on hand throughout the event to support.
The Care Team will be introduced at the start of the weekend and will be identifiable by badges. You will also be able to email them to reach them with any concerns, or contact them by phone in urgent cases.

Sam Nwokoro

Emily Trucco
Top Tips for a great time at ELX
- Stay hydrated, eat well, and smell as nice as possible!
- Deodorant, towels, and a spare shirt or two might be very useful.
- Only say yes to the dances you want and openly welcome the “no’s” and/or “yeses” from fellow dancers.
- Do not assume dance roles based on appearances; always ask!
- Keep your dancing social floor friendly and seek consent before you lead moves such as dips.
- Be aware of your feelings – you might need a break, and that’s OK. Quiet Spaces will be provided for those who need some time alone.
- If any behaviour makes you feel uneasy at all, come speak to us. We are here for the well-being of everyone.
Bear in mind the ELX code of conduct and be excellent to one another!